Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wisconsin Republicans Passed Bill Without Democrats

Tonight Wisconsin republicans passed legislation without the democrats.

Footage of the evening, available online and which has been circulating on the media, shows our democracy in crisis (1). In a state that was part of the birth of the labor movement (2), legislation has been passed that not only strips pubic unions of their bargaining rights (3), but the way it was passed should be a wake up call (you know, just in case you have been pushing snooze).

I talk about politics all the time, and I can have lots of different opinions on a lot of different things. But I will say here, what I have said before: One of the things I love about our country and our political values is debate.

The chance to allow competing voices to be heard…it is a beautiful thing.

What I see in this video should wake us up. And when I say us- I am suggesting people who care about the practices of debate and dialogue in our political system.  

1-  The Joint Committee on Conference met on March 9, 2011 at the state Capitol. The Republicans approved to adopt a revised budget repair bill, Special Session Assembly Bill 11.

1 comment:

Maxwell Philbrook said...

Scott Fitzgerald, Republican Senate majority leader:

"The longer the Democrats keep up this childish stunt, the longer the majority can’t act on our agenda"

This jumped out at me after our talk in the coffee shop. Yuck.